Student Solution


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1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Db Monday

Db Monday

Q • Does Locke have good arguments in favor of the existence of universal natural rights? Why or why not? • What would Locke say about the list of human rights offered by the United Nations? What would Locke say the UN is presupposing in creating that list? Is Locke right?

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In the Two Treatise of Government, Locke claimed that men are free by nature; they are born free not to be ruled upon by anybody. He also said the men have rights like right to life, right to liberty and right to property. Locke also gave importance to self protection and self preservation. He spoke in favour of treating all as equal. These are the basic rights. The Special rights are in the second part of the theory of natural rights. Locke argues that the rights are “natural” because they precede political times and authority. I would say that Locke does have good arguments in favour if the existence of universal natural rights. This is because Locke’s idea is in complete alignment with the present day human rights which keeps the human being and its well being at number one priority.